February 18, 2025Responsible Antibiotic Use on Canadian Cow-Calf Operations 🎙️ How has the requirement of a veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR) impacted...
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October 8, 2024Why Are You So Lame? Analyzing Lameness in Cattle 🎙️ Lameness is the second leading reason that feedlot cattle are pulled and given antibiotics....
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May 30, 2024Ropes, Chutes or Darts? How to Safely Treat Sick Cattle on Pasture It is not always possible to have cattle handling facilities in every pasture and...
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July 27, 2023Remote Drug Delivery Devices -- What You Need to Know ▶️ Darting for treatment is a last option and should be infrequent, but if you utilize RDD,...
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April 12, 2023Taking Pain Management Mainstream-- Beef Producers Add Pain Medication to Their Routines and Benefit Their Herds🎙️ The number of producers providing pain management...
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