February 12, 2025Out with the Old, In with the New 🎙️ New forage varieties are helping fill gaps in the grazing season by allowing beef cattle to graze for longer...
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January 30, 2025Growing Forage Crops -- What Does It Cost? Do you know the cost of producing the forage you feed? Try the BCRC's new Forage Cost of Production...
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July 25, 2024Dive into the Top Five Canadian Beef Cattle Podcast Episodes 🎙️ With over 25 episodes of the Canadian Beef Cattle Podcast released, we count...
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May 29, 2024Optimizing Pasture Health: A Practical Guide to Implementing "Take Half, Leave Half" Grazing ▶️🎙️ Two methods for evaluating 50% forage utilization...
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May 23, 2024Alfalfa Can Be Grazed Safely: Things to Think About Before Turning Cows Out on High-Legume Pastures Including alfalfa in a grazing stand makes sense,...
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May 14, 2024Where There Are Cattle, There Are Parasites: Nine Tips for Managing Parasites in Your Herd 🎙️ Effective parasite management in beef cattle is a...
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February 28, 2024When Do I Turn Out My Cows? Managing Spring Pastures During and After Drought 🎙️ Managing grasslands through drought is not an easy task, but...
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July 20, 2023Polycrop Potential: 12 Tips for Using Mixed Forage Crops 🎙️ Many producers are seeding polycrops of three or more species in hopes of improving...
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June 13, 2023Developing a Grazing Plan: Make the Most of the Forage You Have Available Seven steps for developing a grazing plan to help you reach your production...
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May 25, 2023BCRC Announces $2 Million in Funding for 12 Beef Research Projects Industry funding will be leveraged with over $4 million in matching funding through...
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March 23, 2023How to Calculate Your Carrying Capacity ▶️ This new video can help beef producers assess and manage grazing capacity.
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February 14, 2023Welcome to Pasture 101 – A New Collection of Grazing Management Resources Informed by producer and expert input, Pasture 101 is an extensive online...
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January 26, 2023Seize the Opportunities - Learnings from the Canadian Cow-Calf Cost of Production Network's Future Farm Scenarios Explore results from water system and rotational...
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December 13, 2022The BCRC's Top 10 Posts of 2022 There are hundreds of timely beef and forage articles, interactive production calculators, videos, webinars and other...
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December 5, 2022Five Management Tips To Make a Big Impact in Small Herds 🎙️ In 2021, 53% of farms with cattle in Canada reported having 72 head or less. What...
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November 24, 2022One Size Doesn’t Fit All -Learnings from the Canadian Cow-Calf Cost of Production Network's Future Farm Scenarios Certain management strategies have varying...
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September 15, 2022Two Farms "Right-Sized" Their Herds by Being Open to Change and Working in Sync with Nature A key aspect of maximizing profit and maintaining...
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September 1, 2022Taking Inventory of Feed Resources – How to Right-Size Your Cow Herd Part one of a two-part series on identifying the right herd size and cow size...
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August 16, 2022Strategies for Fall and Winter Grazing: Eastern Canadian Perspectives 🎙️ Two Eastern Canadian producers share successful extended grazing...
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April 18, 2022Adapting to a Changing Climate Understanding climate trends can help farmers and ranchers respond appropriately. We’ll need to genetically improve...
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April 4, 2022Cracking the Code on Grazing Management Terminology: Animal Units, AUMs, & How to Apply Them Does it feel like grazing management information is...
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March 31, 2022Two Methods, Four Steps for Calculating Carrying Capacity Establish a stocking rate that maintains productivity of herd and forage while encouraging...
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January 6, 2022Rebuild & Recover – Two Producers Share their Experiences with Fire and Drought For many beef producers across Canada, the past year was challenging...
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September 21, 2021Registration Now Open For 2021/2022 Webinar Series This year’s Beef Cattle Research Council webinar series will cover a range of topics including...
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September 14, 2021Looking to Make the Most of Forage Quality? Consider These Factors Editor’s...
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August 10, 2021Experts Respond to Drought Questions On July 29, the Beef Cattle Research Council hosted a webinar that allowed beef producers to ask drought-related...
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May 17, 2021How Mother Nature Hedges Her Bets This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the May 2021 issue of...
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May 11, 2021Seeing the Forest Through the Trees: Tips for Forest Grazing Cattle 🎙️ CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON TO LISTEN TO THIS POST: Listen to more...
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April 29, 2021Resources for Drought Management Recurring drought is a natural part of the climate in many areas of Canada and creates a challenge when managing...
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November 25, 2019Plan to Adapt When Grazing Adaptive grazing herd management applies to grazing practices that are developed with careful consideration to the specific...
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November 20, 2019Three Producers Share Ideas That Improve Efficiency Editors note: This article is the third in a series featuring ideas from beef producers across the...
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February 4, 2019Grazing Management Editor's note: Relevant and up-to-date information that had been available on Foragebeef.ca is gradually being added to...
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June 14, 2016Tips for Increasing Sugar Content in Forages Cattle that consume forages with higher sugar content have higher rates of gain, improved performance and...
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October 28, 2013How to do a Rangeland Health Assessment: Videos Rangeland, or range, can perform a number of valuable functions for both the livestock industry as...
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July 25, 2013Fertilizing Pastures and Hay: Beef Research School Episode In the previous episode of the Beef Research School, Dr. Paul Jefferson explained how to...
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March 20, 2013New Sainfoin for Safer Alfalfa Grazing This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the March 2013 issue...
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