March 18, 2025Vaccines: Use as Directed 🎙️ Beef cattle vaccines teach an animal's immune system to recognize what particular pathogens look like, so that it...
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February 18, 2025Responsible Antibiotic Use on Canadian Cow-Calf Operations 🎙️ How has the requirement of a veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR) impacted...
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December 10, 2024Count Down of the Top 10 Most Popular Resources for Beef Cattle Producers in 2024 As we bid farewell to 2024 and steer into the year ahead, we look...
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October 31, 2024Results Are In--The Importance of Prevention, Surveillance and Good Treatment Practices Summarized results of recent beef and forage research projects...
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September 10, 2024Results of the Inaugural Canadian Cow-Calf Survey🎙️ The Canadian Cow-Calf Survey recently collected data from 600 beef producers across nine...
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June 5, 2024Injection Best Practices for Beef Cattle - New Resources ▶️ Following a few simple steps when giving cattle injections can have a big impact on...
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April 25, 2024The Results Are In on Beef Cattle Research Projects Recent beef research results on ergot, antimicrobial resistance, vitamin A supplementation and...
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February 20, 2024An Ounce of Prevention 🎙️ Vaccines are designed to help cattle resist diseases, but they won't overcome poor management protocols or improper...
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December 14, 2023Top 10 Most Popular Beef Cattle Resources for Producers in 2023 The BCRC rounds up the top beef and forage articles from 2023.
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October 11, 2023Understanding the Five W's of Cattle Injections: Who, What, When, Where & Why 🎙️ These beef cattle injection techniques are recommended...
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September 19, 2023M. bovis, Repeat Offender 🎙️ Although Mycoplasma bovis is trickier than most microbes, researchers are studying ways to disrupt it. Vaccinating...
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May 23, 2023New Vaccination Resources Now Available Vaccine guidelines and cattle disease infographics can help producers create a solid vaccination program.
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January 5, 2023Ready or Not, Calving is Coming -- Plan Ahead for a Streamlined Calving Season 🎙️ Focusing on four main aspects of planning can ensure a safe...
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December 13, 2022The BCRC's Top 10 Posts of 2022 There are hundreds of timely beef and forage articles, interactive production calculators, videos, webinars and other...
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December 5, 2022Five Management Tips To Make a Big Impact in Small Herds 🎙️ In 2021, 53% of farms with cattle in Canada reported having 72 head or less. What...
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August 12, 2022Until the Cows Come Home: Five Strategies to Stop Sickness Before It Starts This Fall These specific practices should be part of a beef...
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May 16, 2022Vaccines Are Cheap Insurance – Don’t Let Your Premiums Lapse Annual booster vaccinations are the insurance premiums that make a big difference to...
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May 5, 2022Looking to Cut Costs this Spring? Think Twice Before Cutting Vitamins, Minerals and Vaccinations 🎙️ Avoid long-term problems caused by short-term...
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January 17, 2022Protect Your Investments This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the January 2022 issue of Canadian...
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November 23, 2021Always Look a Gift Cow in the Mouth There's more to cattle-buying decisions than price alone. Introducing adult cows or bulls to an existing herd...
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September 30, 2020Vaccination of the Beef Herd: New Topic Page Vaccines stimulate the immune system of the animal to produce antibodies. Antibodies (or...
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March 31, 2020Think You Have a Closed Herd? Think Again You either have a closed herd or you don’t. If you answer yes to any of these questions, you do not have...
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May 22, 2019Top findings about adoption of beneficial practices on Canadian cow-calf operations Sometimes it can be hard to know where you’re going if you...
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March 7, 2018Intranasal Vaccines Are Timely and Effective As he follows a proper vaccination program for his cow-herd, Ryan Beierbach also makes sure calves on his...
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September 18, 2017Bovine Respiratory Disease from the Farm to the Feedlot This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the...
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March 30, 2017Tips to Make the Most of Your Vaccine Protocol Vaccines can seem costly, and it’s not easy to see how or to what extent they pay off. But...
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December 12, 2016Economical Vaccine Protocols: Webinar January 17 Update: Missed the webinar? Find the recording and check for future webinars on our Webinars page...
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July 14, 2014Vaccination: Can you Afford not to? This is a guest post written by Karin Schmid, Beef Production Specialist with the Alberta Beef Producers....
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November 21, 2013Canada's Veterinary Drug Approval Process Health Canada’s Veterinary Drug Directorate1 puts all veterinary products (e.g. antimicrobials, growth...
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August 21, 2013Vaccination Tips for your Cattle Herd: Beef Research School Episode Vaccinating your herd is like buying insurance. Just like choosing an insurance...
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August 19, 2013Anthrax This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the August 2013 issue of Canadian Cattlemen magazine...
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June 3, 2013Changes to the CFIA Anthrax Program This is a guest post written by Karin Schmid, Beef Production Specialist with the Alberta Beef Producers...
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October 5, 2012E. coli O157:H7: an Industry Research Priority E. coli O157:H7, the cause for the recent, extensive beef recall, is one of the few types of E. coli...
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October 2, 2012Broken Needles in Beef: Prevention and Responsibility Suspected broken needles are rare, but imagine the food safety risk if a broken needle were to...
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