The Beef Cattle Research Council Appoints 2024-25 Executive Committee
The Beef Cattle Research Council is directed by a committee of beef producers from across the country, representing each of the provincial producer organizations that allocate part of the Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off to research, plus one ex-officio member.

During its December BCRC meeting held in Calgary, Alberta, the 2024-25 executive committee was named to provide leadership for the Council during the next year.

BCRC Chair Craig Lehr, Alberta
Craig Lehr, a beef producer from southern Alberta, will continue as BCRC chair for an additional term. Craig’s family owns and operates Short Grass Ranches, a third-generation operation consisting of a 7,000-head backgrounding feedlot, a 1,200-head cow-calf operation as well as both irrigated and dryland farmland for feed and cash crop production.

BCRC Vice Chair Dean Manning, Atlantic
Dean Manning, a beef producer from Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, has been named the BCRC’s new vice chair. Dean and his family have a mixed farm in the Annapolis Valley near Falmouth, Nova Scotia, and they were awarded the Environmental Stewardship Award (TESA) by the Canadian Cattle Association in 2021. Farming in this unique area, alongside all forms of agriculture from greenhouses and wineries to dairy and hogs, has provided Dean with opportunities and challenges which bring insight and experience to the Council.

BCRC Finance Chair Lee Irvine, AB
Lee Irvine, a beef producer from Rocky View County, Alberta, has been elected as the BCRC finance chair. To balance off-farm income and work with the cattle operation, Lee and his family focus on agility and adaptability, choosing the class of cattle they purchase and sell based on market conditions, and they work to capitalize on emerging opportunities for their farm and the lease-pasture. Not being tied to a single production stream allows the family to pivot quickly based on market conditions.

Outgoing BCRC Chair Matt Bowman, ON
Having completed two one-year terms as the BCRC chair, Matt Bowman will remain past chair on the Council. The Bowmans raise 125 Charolais-cross cattle, plus operate 650 acres of cash crop production and a pick-your-own strawberry patch, near Thornloe, Ontario. As a longstanding member of the Council, Matt has made significant contributions to the Beef Cattle Research Council and its research and extension activities.
The BCRC would like to recognize outgoing member, Ron Stevenson from Walton, Ontario. Ron has been a well-respected and valued member as BCRC vice chair from 2022-2024, however he has stepped away from the Council due to family commitments.
Members of the Council are beef producers appointed annually by provincial organizations. While there is no limit to the number of years a Council member may be appointed to serve, executive committee terms are limited to a maximum of two one-year terms. However, as Ron Stevenson is unable to continue his service to the Council for 2024-25, Council members elected that Craig Lehr continue as chair for one additional term to ensure that leadership has the experience necessary for the BCRC to continue to accomplish its objectives while effectively representing the diversity of the beef and forage sectors.
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