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Attn Researchers: CRSB Call For Proposals- National Beef Sustainability Assessment (NBSA) Update Publication of Environmental Results

Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef

The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) has an open call for proposals to write a peer reviewed journal publication pertaining to the environmental results of the NBSA update. The work is being completed by Groupe AGECO and a draft manuscript will be provided with methodology to work from. The final report will include a comprehensive update of the environmental and land use impact of beef production in Canada, including comparisons to the 2016 NBSA.

Any individual or organization, from Canada or elsewhere, with an established research and publication record is eligible to apply. Proposals must be submitted by February 25, 2022 to Brenna Grant at Proposals will outline how the project purpose and objectives will be met.

There is no formal application form. Your proposal must contain the following:

  • Project milestones
  • Timeline of completion of milestones
  • Budget (Max budget is $50,000)


  • Report regional (East vs. West) analyses within the national study where possible;
  • Provide comparisons to the 2016 assessment  where possible;
  • Publication should be unbiased and neutral in tone.

The successful candidate will work with the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef’s Science Advisory Committee that oversees the NBSA and Groupe AGECO between April 1, 2022 and March 30, 2023 to complete the work. Candidate will have access to preliminary results starting April 2022. The manuscript must be submitted to a peer review journal by March 30, 2023. Final approval will be made no later than March 31, 2022.

Direct questions and proposal submissions to Brenna Grant at no later than February 25, 2022.

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