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Foot and Mouth Disease Is Everyone's Responsibility ▶️

BCRC Launches NEW Animated Video on Foot and Mouth Disease Prevention

Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a highly infectious virus that has disastrous consequences for the livestock industry and the population of beef cattle and other cloven-hoofed animals worldwide. Fortunately, Canada has achieved FMD-free status, but everyone must stay vigilant to the risks and be prompt in our response in case of a possible outbreak.    

A new animated video produced by the Beef Cattle Research Council demonstrates just how important following prevention and quarantine recommendations are for Canadian travelers.

The tale of Jennifer and Richard follows the two farmers on an excursion overseas to an area known to be infected with Foot and Mouth Disease. The decisions that the two travelers make upon their return to Canada highlight how simple, everyday decisions can lead to devastating consequences for the individual producer, and the Canadian beef industry.  

For more information on Foot and Mouth Disease, and what we can all do to prevent foreign animal disease from coming to our country, visit the BCRC’s Foot and Mouth Disease topic page.

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