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Welcome to the New

By Matt Bowman, Beef Cattle Research Council Chair

Today, the Beef Cattle Research Council rolled out a new, revitalized web design offering more easy-to-find content and practical tools for Canada’s beef producers, veterinary teams, researchers and other stakeholders. 

Matt Bowman, Beef Cattle Research Council Chair
Matt Bowman, Chair
Beef Cattle Research Council

For almost a decade, the BCRC has delivered science-based industry resources through In the last year alone, nearly 300,000 individuals consulted the BCRC website for timely and practical beef and forage information.

Over the years, with support of Canada’s Beef Science Cluster, BCRC has enhanced its website to include interactive production calculators, videos and hundreds of beef and forage topics and articles. By leveraging producer-paid Canadian Beef Cattle Check-Off dollars and listening to the industry’s needs, the BCRC continually develops practical content to help farmers and ranchers make informed decisions that improve profitability, reduce risks and enhance consumer confidence in Canadian beef production.

But, just like a practical old farm truck with a lot of mileage, at some point you need to upgrade if you want to go further down the road or pull a bigger trailer. To drive Canada’s beef research and extension efforts most effectively and economically in the future, we needed an online vehicle that was faster, better organized and more intuitive for our expanding audience.   

With the new, you will find everything you came to expect on our former site:

Watch this 90-second video for an overview of the new

Access the new, improved from any device.

One of the most significant upgrades to is a greatly improved mobile experience. You can enjoy optimal display from any device while navigating BCRC’s resources through the top-right menu icon in mobile views. The restructured site will help make Canada’s beef and forage research even more accessible and relevant. 

The new site also features a more robust search function.

Enter any beef or forage topic in the upper-right search bar and find out why has been referred to as the search engine for Canadian beef production. Within seconds, you can have any Canadian beef or forage research topic from the past 10 years on your preferred device.

Through the reorganized navigation areas, you will find three user-targeted entry points: 

  • For Producers: where farmers and ranchers can find beef and forage topic pages, research summaries and fact sheets by subject area 
  • For Researchers: where agricultural researchers can access BCRC’s research priorities, strategies and calls for proposals, plus information on its researcher award and mentorship programs  
  • For Veterinary Teams: where veterinarians and registered vet technicians can find tools, resources and continuing education credit opportunities
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We invite you to take our new wheels for a test drive.

Share your questions, comments or ideas with us through the new feedback feature at the bottom of each page.

And, check out the latest content on the new

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