
  • 6 Décembre 2024Le Beef Cattle Research Council nomme le comité exécutif pour la période 2024-25

    Le Beef Cattle Research Council est dirigé par un comité de...

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  • 26 November 2024Adaptive Winter Grazing Strategies

    Extended grazing can help lower feed costs and improve the health of your land. Learn more about extended grazing...

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  • 20 November 2024Élever des génisses pour assurer le succès reproductif

    Lors du récent webinaire du BCRC, Raising Heifers for Reproductive Success (disponible en...

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  • 1 Octobre 2024Call for Applications: 2024 Rangeland Sustainability Program

    Are you passionate about the conservation and sustainability of Alberta’s rangelands?...

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  • 29 Août 2024Annonce des participants au programme de mentorat 2024-2025 des chercheurs sur le bœuf.

    Il est mutuellement bénéfique d'établir des liens entre...

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  • 15 Février 2024Meet the Council: Modifications Worth Making  

    The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is made up of producer members from across Canada, appointed...

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  • 9 Janvier 2024*Upcoming Webinar* Raising Heifers for Reproductive Success

    Key strategies to getting heifers started on the right hoof to ensure they remain...

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  • 26 Octobre 2023*UPCOMING WEBINAR* Drought: More Than a Summer Challenge

    This webinar will share insights on giving your herd its best chance to withstand severe or...

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  • 27 Juin 2023Bœuf-laitier: de la salle de traite au parc d'engraissement 🎙️

    Dans tout le pays, un nombre croissant de veaux issus du croisement bœuf-laitier...

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  • 12 Avril 2023Taking Pain Management Mainstream-- Beef Producers Add Pain Medication to Their Routines and Benefit Their Herds🎙️

    The number of producers providing pain management...

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  • 8 Décembre 2022La Stratégie Sandhills -- Déplacer les vaches gestantes vers un terrain frais et laisser les paires derrière peut limiter les maladies des veaux 🎙️

    Pour certains producteurs, l'adoption du système...

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  • 29 November 2022The Beef Cattle Research Council Appoints New Executive Committee

    Alberta beef producer Craig Lehr will serve as the BCRC chair for 2022-2023. Poursuivre la lecture

  • 12 Octobre 2022When The Worms Come Marching In

    Gastrointestinal worms may be silently reducing your pregnancy and weaning weights and increasing your winter feed...

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  • 15 Septembre 2022Two Farms "Right-Sized" Their Herds by Being Open to Change and Working in Sync with Nature 

    A key aspect of maximizing profit and maintaining...

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  • 12 Octobre 2021Meet the Council: Flexibility and Creative Solutions Provide Opportunity for These Beef Stakeholders

    The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is made...

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  • 30 Juin 2021Meet the Council: Unique Marketing Opportunities Bring More Profit to These Producers

    The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is made up of producer...

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  • 17 Décembre 2020Meet the Council: Thinking Outside the Box Pays Off

    The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is made up of producer members from across Canada,...

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  • 18 Septembre 2020Meet the Council: Implementing Management Practices that Pay Off

    The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is made up of producer members from across...

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  • 22 Juin 2020Meet the Council: Willingness to Adapt is Key for Managing Canadian Beef Operations

    The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) is made up of producer...

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  • 20 November 2019Three Producers Share Ideas That Improve Efficiency

    Editors note: This article is the third in a series featuring ideas from beef producers across the...

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  • 29 Août 2019How to Get New Feedlot Calves Settled and Gaining Quickly; Advice from Producers, Veterinarians and Feedlot Consultants

    Getting calves settled, keeping them healthy and...

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  • 21 November 2018Five Producers Share Ideas That Have Made Their Farms and Ranches More Efficient

    Editors note: This article is the second in a series featuring ideas...

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  • 31 Juillet 2018Producers with Large Herds Are Believers in Low Stress Weaning

    Editor’s note: The following is the second in a two part series. See part one about...

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  • 6 Juillet 2018Producers share ideas for developing safe and relatively economic pastures with greater longevity

    While the old nursery rhyme says Mary the contrary...

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  • 24 Avril 2018Eight beef producers share their recent changes

    Canadian beef producers appear to be keeping up with the often heard axiom “the only constant in...

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  • 27 Octobre 2016Let Cattle Do the Seeding

    Producers who manage beef cows and yearlings so they distribute legume seeds through their manure, say it can be a passive,...

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