Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD)

  • 18 Février 2025L'utilisation responsable d'antibiotiques dans les exploitations vache-veau canadiennes 🎙️

    La nouvelle exigence d'une « relation...

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  • 11 Février 2025Le BCRC annonce 1,43 M$ pour neuf projets de recherche prioritaires

    Neuf nouveaux projets ont été financés dans le cadre de l'appel de propositions...

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  • 11 Décembre 2024BCRC Funds Proof of Concept and Knowledge Mobilization Projects to Advance the Canadian Beef Industry  

    Research and knowledge mobilization play a...

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  • 31 Octobre 2024Results Are In--The Importance of Prevention, Surveillance and Good Treatment Practices

    Summarized results of recent beef and forage research projects...

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  • 16 Mai 2024The Results Are In on Beef-Related Research Projects

    Recent beef research results on calf immunity, annual forage mixtures, telemedicine,...

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  • 20 Février 2024An Ounce of Prevention 🎙️

    Vaccines are designed to help cattle resist diseases, but they won't overcome poor management protocols or improper...

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  • 19 Décembre 2023Fast Action at the Watering Hole🎙️

    Bovine respiratory disease can spread among cattle at feedlot water bowls, but they also may be a place to...

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  • 23 Mai 2023New Vaccination Resources Now Available

    Vaccine guidelines and cattle disease infographics can help producers create a solid vaccination program. Poursuivre la lecture

  • 23 November 2021Always Look a Gift Cow in the Mouth

    There's more to cattle-buying decisions than price alone. Introducing adult cows or bulls to an existing herd...

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  • 8 Octobre 2021Is This a Good Investment?

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in a September 2021 issue of...

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  • 21 Octobre 2020Don’t be Lame – New Web Page with Resources for Preventing and Managing Lameness in Beef Cattle

    Not all lameness is caused by foot rot. Getting a...

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  • 13 Octobre 2020Everything Old is New Again – Treating Chronic Mycoplasma

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in...

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  • 31 Mars 2020Vous pensez avoir un troupeau fermé ? Réfléchissez encore

    Soit vous avez un troupeau fermé, soit vous n'en avez pas. Si vous avez répondu oui à...

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  • 24 Mars 2020The Cost Benefit of Using Vaccines in Beef Cattle

    Vaccination is a proven tool for disease prevention. Vaccination recommendations vary by region and...

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  • 10 Octobre 2019The cost-benefit of using vaccines: bovine respiratory disease

    Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is one of the costliest health issues facing...

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  • 29 Octobre 2018Antibiotic Use in Canadian Feedlots

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the October 22, 2018...

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  • 5 Octobre 2018Developing Faster, Less Expensive Diagnostic Tests

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the...

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  • 18 Septembre 2017Bovine Respiratory Disease from the Farm to the Feedlot

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the...

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  • 22 Mai 2015Do Antimicrobial Growth Promoters Really Improve Performance, or Just Improve Health?

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science...

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  • 4 Décembre 2014Developing Efficient, Multi-Pathogen Tests for Common Cattle Diseases

    Respiratory and enteric diseases are the most common and costly diseases in beef...

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  • 24 Septembre 2013Try These Weaning Techniques for More Productive Calves this Fall

    Ideas for keeping stress at a minimum during weaning. Poursuivre la lecture

  • 20 Février 2013Footrot and Other Cattle Lameness: Video

    The word ‘footrot’ is often mistakenly used to refer to many types of lameness in cattle. Footrot is a...

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  • 23 Août 2012Reducing Weaning Stress Part 2 - Improving Profits

    This is a guest post written by Karin Schmid, Beef Production Specialist with the Alberta Beef...

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  • 16 Août 2012Reducing Weaning Stress

    Calves are weaned to ensure cows can recover their body condition after raising a calf all summer, and to allow for...

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