Steve Hendrick Ph.D.

  • 29 Août 2024Annonce des participants au programme de mentorat 2024-2025 des chercheurs sur le bœuf.

    Il est mutuellement bénéfique d'établir des liens entre...

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  • 29 Août 2019How to Get New Feedlot Calves Settled and Gaining Quickly; Advice from Producers, Veterinarians and Feedlot Consultants

    Getting calves settled, keeping them healthy and...

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  • 20 Septembre 2016Managing Pregnant Cows for Improved Cow and Calf Performance: Webinar October 18

    Update: Missed the webinar? Find the recording and check for future...

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  • 20 Mai 2014Better Tests for Trich and Vibrio

    This article written by Dr. Reynold Bergen, BCRC Science Director, originally appeared in the May 2014 issue of...

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  • 15 Janvier 2014A More Efficient Screening Test for Trichomoniasis

    Trichomoniasis (or trich, pronounced “trick”) and other venereal diseases can result in large...

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  • 5 Septembre 2013Do DDGS Affect Feedlot Cattle Health?

    Corn, wheat and other grains contain 68-70% starch, 10-13% protein, 2-4% oil, 2-3% fiber and 2% minerals....

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  • 18 Juillet 2013Improved Test for Vibriosis in Bulls

    Venereal diseases like trichomoniasis (trich) and vibriosis (vibrio) remain common causes of reproductive failure...

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  • 19 Mars 2013Johne’s Disease and the Ethical Dilemma

    This article written by Dr. Steve Hendrick, from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine at the...

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