Researcher FAQS

You have questions about an upcoming research call, applications, reports . . . we might just have the answers. For all other inquires please visit the Call for Proposals page, contact the appropriate BCRC staff member, or email

Who is eligible to apply?

Any individual or organization (academic institution, private industry, government, or not-for-profit/non-government organization) with the ability and/or track record of success in carrying out research projects in areas relevant to the Canadian beef industry is eligible to apply.

I’m not from Canada, can I still apply?

Non-Canadians can apply, but your odds of success will be greatly improved if you bring skills that are not available in Canada, and if you’ve got a Canadian co-lead or collaborators.

When are applications considered?

Specific timelines can be found on the Call for Proposals page on If you wish to be notified when call for proposals or letters of intent are open, subscribe to the BCRC mailing list and don’t forget to identify yourself as a researcher!

What is leveraging?

Leveraging is another term for “match funding” (which can include cash and eligible in-kind contributions) from other sources (i.e. provincial government etc.). As the BCRC is a check-off funded agency, we want to ensure that producer dollars go as far as possible. The BCRC requires at least 50% match funding for all funded projects. This means that at most, BCRC will fund 50% of the asking funds which requires the rest of the funds to be acquired from at least one (or more) other funders. Match does not need to be in hand at the time of application (LOI or full proposal) but needs to be finalized before we will release project funding. The more leverage (match funding) you can bring to the table, the further our producer dollars can go.

What is in-kind funding?

In-kind is non-cash support for a research project that can be assigned a cash value. Some examples include seed, forage, or meat provided for a research project. These are eligible because a clear market value can be easily determined. Existing resources like archived DNA samples or production records are not eligible in kind, partly because they have no clear market value, and partly because they are often used repeatedly across multiple research projects. Pre-existing full-time salaries of project leads and collaborators as also in-eligible.  In-kind contributions cannot normally exceed 10% of the total eligible costs to complete the project. 

Do I need my match funding in hand before I can apply?

No, match or in-kind funding does not need to be in hand at the time of application (LOI or full proposal) but is required at the contracting stage. Our contracting phase is flexible in order to accommodate this. We recognize that industry backing can serve as an essential bargaining chip when applying for other funding. We encourage you to apply with your fully thought-out research proposals with or without match-funding in hand. We do however appreciate when a clear plan indicating where else the team is planning on applying for the additional funds.

How much money can I ask for in my proposal?

There is no minimum or maximum funding ask for the Beef Cluster or BCRC Priority research call. However, there is a $50,000/project maximum for any project submitted under the Proof-of-Concept call. Additionally, while there are no limits for the larger research calls, these calls are highly competitive with a limited budget, while securing other funding outside of the BCRC is required, be thoughtful of the level of funding you seek from the varying calls.

How many projects can I propose/submit per call?

There is no limit to the number of projects that can be submitted by a lead for any of the research calls coordinated by the BCRC. However, we value QUALITY over QUANTITY. Ensuring there are strong links to primary production and that the work clearly reflects the current research strategy are generally prerequisites in order to have your project funded. A well thought out proposal that directly impacts industry, falls under the current research priorities, and includes a strong and engaged team is powerful and influential when it comes time for the producer council to make funding decisions.

What is the standard project length for BCRC research projects?

This depends on the call:

  • BCRC Priority Research – Projects between one and three years in duration can be submitted. In rare exceptions, if the need for a longer funding term can be clearly demonstrated, then longer projects may be considered.
  • Beef Science Cluster – these include larger five-year projects.
  • Proof-of-Concept – These projects will not exceed 12-months, however, if the need for a longer funding term can be clearly demonstrated then 18-month projects may be considered.

How do I increase my chances of getting my project funded through BCRC?

The research calls carried out by the BCRC are always competitive. However, there are ways to stand out from the crowd and improve your chances of getting funding, such as:

  • Aligning with the strategy
  • Ensuring it is producer/industry focused
  • Highlight the direct implications for producers and/or industry
  • Interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration

Who can I select as potential peer reviewers?

Peer-reviewers can be anyone that is an expert in the field that you are proposing to do research in/on. To avoid conflict of interest, we ask that there is no direct link between the project lead and suggested peer-reviewer (i.e. spouse, family member, recent or current collaborator etc.). Please review our conflict-of-interest guidelines if you are unsure if a potential peer-reviewer qualifies.

How do I pick a research priority?

Ideally, research priorities will be identified before the project itself is fully developed. This ensures that the goals of the project align with the industry needs. Projects that fall outside of the research priorities for specific calls will generally not be considered.

What is the policy on letters of support to accompany my research proposal?

We do not ask for, nor require Letters of Support when applying for any of the BCRC calls. Even if Letters of Support of submitted, we will not read them.

When filling out my Letter of Intent (LOI) where do I input the overhead money?

While there is no designated line to input overhead funding or other built-in funding from your institution, this can be included in the budget description. At the LOI stage a general number that makes sense for the project being proposed is our requirement. Specifics on funding sources and specific contributions can be ironed out more thoroughly during the full-proposal and contracting phases.

How do I fill out the LOI, full proposal etc. forms?

Instructions can be found on the Call for Proposals page by clinking the links to Instructions and Guidelines to Submit under the specific call you are looking to apply to. These will highlight key questions specific to that call and provide guidance for filling out specific sections.

More questions? Please see available webinars covering topics surrounding applying for research calls, Cluster reporting and more! While these may relate to different priorities and topics specific to the goals for past calls, they should shine light onto how applications should be approached.