Forage Cost of Production Calculator

User Guide

This calculator is designed to help you calculate the production cost of forage crops. For the optimal experience, use the calculator on a computer.

Please input your data into the yellow cells. The blue-shaded cells are calculated and cannot be changed.

Please choose Annual or Perennial from the drop-down list in the second line. If Annual is chosen, data is not required in later lines (cells will turn grey).

The pre-populated numbers are intended solely as examples, NOT benchmarks.

For further clarification and guidance on input, additional explanations are provided in the text boxes and footnotes.

Forage Enterprise Level Info

Forage Enterprise Level Info
Input Field #1 Field #2 Field #3 Field #4 Field #5
Field Description
Annual or Perennial
(select from drop-down list)
Forage Land
Forage Land Field #1 Field #2 Field #3 Field #4 Field #5 Farm Total
Owned Land Area
acre acre
Estimated Rental Price
(Owned Land)
Rented Land Area
acre acre
Rental Price
Unit Conversion
tonne =
kg =
lb =
Forage Yield
Field #1 Field #2 Field #3 Field #4 Field #5 Farm Total
Length of Perennial Forage Stand
(incl. establishment year)
Average Annual Yield (wet weight)
Dry Matter %
Annual Production (wet weight) tons tons tons tons tons tons
Annual Production (dry matter) tons tons tons tons tons tons
Variable Costs (Cash): Establishment Year for Perennial Crops OR Average Annual Variable Cost for Annual Crops
Average Annual Variable Cost Field #1 Field #2 Field #3 Field #4 Field #5
Seed & Treatment
Nurse Crop Seed
Chemicals (Herbicide, Insecticide, Fungicide)
Rental and Custom Work
Crop Insurance
Twine/Net Wrap/ Plastic
Total Variable Cost in Establishment Year
Variable Costs (Cash): Enter for PERENNIAL only – Average Annual Variable Cost in Year 2 Onward
Average Annual Variable Cost Field #1 Field #2 Field #3 Field #4 Field #5
Chemicals (Herbicide, Insecticide, Fungicide)
Rental and Custom Work
Crop Insurance
Twine/Net Wrap/ Plastic
Average Annual Variable Cost in Year-2 onward

Whole-Farm Level Info

Overhead (Cash) Cost
Land Improvement $/year Machine Maintenance $/year Building Maintenance $/year
Diesel $/year Gasoline $/year Utilities (e.g. water, electricity) $/year
Farm Insurance $/year Life Insurance $/year Advisory Cost $/year
Farm Tax $/year Accounting $/year Office $/year
Interest on liability $/year Machinery Lease $/year Others $/year
Forage Production as a % of Whole Farm
Option 1
If the overhead costs are for the entire farm, please specify the percentage for forage production. Considerations:
  • What portion of revenue comes from forage or enterprises that utilize the homegrown forage?
  • What portion of machinery operating time is spent on forage production versus annual crops?
Option 2
If the overhead costs are exclusive to forage production and not the entire farm, please allocate 100% for forage production.
Depreciation and Opportunity Cost on Machinery and Buildings

Depreciation on machinery and buildings
is a non-cash cost that reveals the ability of the farm to continue operating if an asset needs replacement. It is calculated as:
Depreciation = (Current Market Value -Salvage Value) X Forage Usage % / Years of Useful Life.

Forage usage % for machinery and buildings
Option 1
If the current market value is for all equipment or buildings on the entire farm,
please specify the percentage used for forage as the forage usage %.
Option 2
If the current market value is for forage-specific equipment or buildings, please input 100% for forage usage %.

Unpaid Labour Cost per Hour
Consideration: What you would have to pay someone else to do the job?
Results Summary- Cost per Acre
Field #1 Field #2 Field #3 Field #4 Field #5
Cash Cost
Land Rent
Variable Cost
Overhead Cost & Paid labour
Total Cash Cost
Total Depreciation
Opportunity Cost
Owned land $/acre $/acre $/acre $/acre $/acre
Unpaid labour $/acre $/acre $/acre $/acre $/acre
Capital $/acre $/acre $/acre $/acre $/acre
Total Opportunity Cost
Total Production Cost per Acre
Results Summary- Cost per Wet Ton
Field #1 Field #2 Field #3 Field #4 Field #5
Cash Cost
Land Rent
Variable Cost
Overhead Cost & Paid labour
Total Cash Cost
Total Depreciation
Opportunity Cost
Owned land
Unpaid labour
Total Opportunity Cost
Total Production Cost per Wet Ton
Results Summary - Cost per Dry Ton
Field #1 Field #2 Field #3 Field #4 Field #5
Cash Cost
Land Rent
Variable Cost
Overhead & Paid labour
Total Cash Cost
Total Depreciation
Opportunity Cost
Owned land
Unpaid labour
Total Opportunity Cost
Total Production Cost per Dry Ton
Forage Cost of Production per Acre
Forage Cost of Production per Wet Ton
Forage Cost of Production per Dry Ton
Overall Forage Cost of Production ($/Ton, dry matter)
  1. Estimated rental price on owned land represents the potential income you could have generated by renting out the land. It is used to estimate the opportunity cost of the land, indicating what you might have gained or achieved if you had utilized the land differently.
  2. Variable cost per acre refers to the expenses that vary depending on the size of the land used for production.
  3. Variable costs in the establishment year are spread across production years. Variable cost per ton = (variable cost per acre in establishment year + average annual variable cost per acre in year-two onward X (length of forage stand -1))/length of forage stand/average yield per acre.
  4. Overhead, paid labour, depreciation, and opportunity cost on unpaid labour and capital are distributed among the fields based on acreage. The cost per ton is calculated by dividing the costs of each specific field by the total production of that field.
  5. Opportunity costs are the non-cash costs that reveal the opportunity of using different resources.
    • Land: The opportunity costs of land are potential income from renting out owned land.
    • Labour: The opportunity costs of labour are the calculated wage for family labour. It is important to note that the opportunity cost of labour reflects the income you can receive for the same type of labour.
    • Capital: The opportunity cost of capital is the interest rate multiplied by the equity without land.