The Beef Cattle Research Council is collaborating with practicing veterinarians and RVTs across Canada to build and modify trusted tools they can use or share with beef clients to improve herd health and profitability. Following are a few examples of the resources and tools available for veterinary clinics and the beef producers they serve.
- Remote Drug Delivery
The Beef Cattle Research Council offers relevant, science-based information that veterinary teams may use or share with beef clients. Sign up to be notified when new resources become available.
- Best Practices for RDDD (BCRC one-page PDF)
- Printed tri-fold brochures are also available through Western Drug Distribution Center or by contacting the BCRC
- QR code for veterinary prescription labels (right-click and “Save image as” a .png file)
- Remote Drug Delivery Devices: What You Need to Know (BCRC post by Dr. Roy Lewis)
- Remote Delivery of Antimicrobials Should Be a Last Resort (article by Dr. John Campbell)
Right-click to save and share. - Best Practices for RDDD (BCRC one-page PDF)
- Nutrition & Feed Testing
The Beef Cattle Research Council offers relevant, science-based information that veterinary teams may use or share with beef clients. Sign up to be notified when new beef herd nutrition resources become available.
Beef Cattle Nutrition
- Nutrition in Beef Cattle (BCRC webpage)
- Alternative Feeds (BCRC webpage)
- Bale Feeding Options (BCRC article)
- Carrying Capacity Calculator (BCRC decision tool)
Body Condition
- (BCRC webpage)
- Impact of Body Condition Scoring on Cow Productivity and Profitability (BCRC decision tool)
Feed Testing & Analysis
- Feed Testing & Analysis for Beef Cattle (BCRC webpage)
- Tool for Evaluating Feed Test Results (BCRC decision tool)
Water Systems & Testing
- Water Systems for Beef Cattle (BCRC webpage)
- Economics of Water Systems Calculator (BCRC decision tool)
- Test Stock Water & Reduce Worry (BCRC post)
Explore the BCRC’s many other resources under the For Producers tab.
- Preventative Herd Health
The Beef Cattle Research Council offers relevant, science-based information that veterinary teams may use or share with beef clients. Sign up to be notified when new beef herd health resources become available.
Antimicrobial Use and Resistance
- Antibiotic Resistance (BCRC webpage)
Click for additional infographics. Biosecurity
- Five Strategies to Stop Sickness Before It Starts This Fall (BCRC post)
- Common Ways a Herd Becomes Open (BCRC interactive graphic)
- Cleaning Versus Disinfecting (BCRC post)
- Think You Have a Closed Herd? Think Again (BCRC post)
- Disease Risks in Herd Expansion (BCRC post)
- Johne’s Disease—Cheap to Buy, Costly to Live With (BCRC post)
- Practical Tools to Protect Canadian Livestock from Foot and Mouth Disease (BCRC post)
- Foot and Mouth Disease (BCRC topic page)
Calf 911: Emergency Support for Newborn Calves
Right-click to save and share. Calf Health
- Giving Calves a Healthy Start (BCRC post)
- Tips for a Smooth Calving Season (BCRC post)
- Proper Management to Minimize Risk of Calf Scours (BCRC post)
- Benchmarking Calving Management Practices (BCRC post)
Pain Mitigation
- Producers Add Pain Medication to Their Routines and Benefit Their Herds (BCRC post)
- Castration (BCRC post)
- Pain Mitigation (BCRC webpage)
- Injection Techniques Best Practices (BCRC PDF printable)
- New Vaccination Resources Now Available (BCRC post)
- Vaccination Infographics & Guidelines (BCRC webpage)
- BRD Vaccination Cost-Benefit Calculator (BCRC decision tool)
- BVD Vaccination Cost-Benefit Calculator (BCRC decision tool)
- Vaccination of the Beef Herd (BCRC webpage)
- An (Other) Ounce of Prevention (BCRC post)
- Bovine Respiratory Disease (BCRC webpage)
Explore the BCRC’s many other resources under the For Producers tab.
- Record Keeping and Data Analysis
The Beef Cattle Research Council offers relevant, science-based information that veterinary teams may use or share with beef clients. Sign up to be notified when new beef cattle record keeping resources become available.
- Introduction to Record Keeping & Benchmarking (BCRC webpage)
- Guide to Keeping Records That Make Profitable Decisions (BCRC post)
Explore the BCRC’s many other resources under the For Producers tab.
- Reproduction and Genetics
The Beef Cattle Research Council offers relevant, science-based information that veterinary teams may use or share with beef clients. Sign up to be notified when new reproduction resources become available.
Bull Selection & Management
- Bull Management (BCRC webpage)
- What Is a Bull Worth to Your Herd? (BCRC post)
- Bull Valuation Calculator (BCRC decision tool)
- Bull Selection post series (BCRC post)
- Bull Management: Protecting Your Investment (BCRC post)
Cow-Calf Resources
- Value of Calving Distribution Calculator (BCRC decision tool)
- Economics of Pregnancy Testing Beef Cattle Calculator (BCRC decision tool)
Explore the BCRC’s many other resources under the For Producers tab.